

I have tried to live my life
without any sight,
reminiscing how spectatular
the constellations are in the darkest sky.

I have no guide nor light
for, I don't have any more reason to fight,
before you came in to my life,
everything seemed to be tied.

You've always been my greatest dream,
but you turned out to be a nightmare.
Yes, a nightmare.
whom I thought was a beautiful one.

Am I crazy?
For, I thought a nightmare is beautiful- They are
I would rather choose being in a nightmare,
If it's with him even if we're in despair.

I loved him.
Even if he was the reason, why I'm blind.
I never blame him
thus, I blamed myself.

I was enjoying the nightmare.
Without me knowing that I was blinded.
Blinded by his sugarcoated words,
and fake promises.

I was blinded by love.
I can still see everything.
What I can't see.
Is my worth and my purpose for living.
© Theo