

Furious winds, a cyclone's roar,
The wrath of nature, devastations core.
A maelstrom of fury, spinning round,
The might of nature, without a sound.
The silence deafening, the fear complete,
The chaos swirling, never to retreat.

Torrential rain, a blinding beam,
Nature's rage, a dreadful dream.
A deluge of water, pouring down,
A blinding light, without a sound.
An ocean of rain, a blinding sheet.
Nature's wrath,a fearsome treat.

The thunder crashes,the lightning strikes,
Upturning all that was once upright.
The darkness falls,the light is gone,
And all that's good,now turned to none.
A world upturned,a might so bleak,
A shattered world,with no reprieve.

The fury of nature still on the rise,
With chaos, mayhem,no surprise.
A destructive force,with no remorse,
And nothing can stop it's awesome course.
The power of nature,like a curse,
It rages on,without a pause.

Amidst the turmoil,a spark of faith,
A glimmer of light,a shed of grace.
A beacon bright,a shining ray,
A shining hope,that lights the way.
The chaos fades,the light takes hold,
The hope endures,and makes it bold.

A light of strength,that cannot break,
That stands above,without a stake.
A symbol proud,that cannot fall,
That rises tall,above it all.
Unfazed by rage, unshaken by fear,
The beacon shines,without a tear.

The winds are fierce,the fury's strong,
But hope prevails,it won't go wrong.
It turns like fire, that cannot fade,
And stands against the winds that sway.
The fury's force, relentless,true,
But hope survives in me and you.

The tempest rages,without a care,
But human restore, will stand and bear.
The spirit strong,the will resolute,
Will weather storms,that seem to shoot.
The storm may come,the winds may blow,
But we will stand,and let it go.

© Ebenezer