

Unique Journey
Let her sleep deep,
Let us not weep,
For she is at her journey’s end,
Left with no memories to mend.
All she has to do, she performed well,
Still she is called a fail.
She was not a failure but she is not capable now to prove it,
For she is now ready to quit.
What's her story, no one knows her,
There's nothing for us to bestow her.
She will be a mystery forever,
And in her heart someone's flattery will be forever.
She died thousand deaths still she was alive,
For there lived a hope in her archives.
Every time she brought it out, she got a new hope,
And everytime the flatterer crushes it giving her dope.
Finally she resolved to quit,
Somewhere between this fake world, she chose to go inside a pit.,
© divi