

letter to the old me

This note is for you.

Its been a while since we discussed last,
How are you doing?
You enjoying the solitude yet?
The loneliness tagged with you,
The pain you have become used to,
The darkness you dwell in,
The void you carry about,
The feeling of emptiness gotten to you yet?

Hello old me,

You tired of the façade you call life?
Tired of the imaginary friends you have?
Tired of the lonely life you live?
Tired of the pain you bask yourself in?

Hello old me,

Do you still hear voices?
Does the music still play on in your head?
Do you still lose touch with reality?
You still wish your imaginations become your reality?

Dear old me,

Are you still hanging on,
Clinging to the nonexistent hope,
Hoping all will be well?

Are you still tied up by the past,
Found a reason for your existence yet?
Found what defines you?
All the questions you pile away, have you found answers?

Old me;

Give me a call when you find answers to these questions.

Yours sincerely,
Me; Now.

© phantom2ink