

Mirror Reflections
In front of the mirror I stand, gazing deep,
A reflection stares back, different, unique.
Eyes wide with wonder, a world so mystique,
As we meet in this moment, realms start to peak.

"I see you there, stranger in the glass,
Tell me your tale, let our time amass."
The figure replied with a knowing grin,
"A glimpse of your potential, hidden within."

Lines etched in time, wisdom deep in gaze,
Whispers of choices, on life's winding maze.
"You hold the key to paths unexplored,
Open your heart, let dreams be restored."

Intrigued by the vision, a dance of the soul,
Reflections entwined, a quest to feel whole.
"We are but mirrors, of what could be,
Embrace the shadows, set your spirit free."

Words like poetry, weaving through the air,
Echoes of truth, beyond mere compare.
"Embrace your flaws, they make you whole,
In imperfection, find a sparkling soul."

A conversation profound, in mirrored space,
Two selves conversing, in a silent embrace.
As I step back, the image starts to blur,
Leaving me with thoughts, pure and pure.

The mirror now clear, a familiar sight,
Yet within me lingers, that other self bright.
A reminder to seek, beyond the known,
In the reflection of self, a truth is shown.
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