

When I Lose You 💔
I don't know what I'll do when I lose you
That one fateful day or night
I don't know if I'll be at home or at school
Or out by light
But I can't promise you I'll be there when your final breath lands
For no one ever will know when that time will be
But I want you to know
These three simple things

I will always love you
In or out of life
I'll cherish the memories when you stayed by my side
I will cry internally each and every night
I'll write to you and make sure that heaven is treating you right

I will remember your touch
Your voice
Your pulse
I will remember every little sound
I will remember your snoring
Your bark
Your breath
Because those are things that I'll never forget

And lastly, I won't leave
For the time being
Never in a million years
Or the few you have left
I will hold you
And groom you
And keep you well fed
I will pet you
And talk to you
And keep you from being bored
I will keep you from night terrors
And from pain
And from become sore

So just remember, my good boy
When you leave this earth
Your soul will become one with us
And our memories will soar

We won't forget about you, my precious old man
For you will remain in our hearts for the rest of my lifespan

© Tannni