

Yes, I have regrets.
Within those times when I've stayed too long..
Longer than I've heard the Small voice tell me to leave.
During the times in which I was asked to sit silently
And just listen yet I didn't..
I would love to take a week out.
Leave television and the radio behind.
Volunteer and do something useful.
Leave drinking alone for at least a month or two.
Exercise and go to sleep earlier than I have been.
Stop spending my money on earthly possessions.
Doing so while eating healthy.
Seeking guidance and decision.
Holding gratitude and dropping the attitude.
Welcoming Deliverance and listening to that..
Still small voice.
Letting it be and enjoying life as one should.
Thankfully we are not in charge..
However, that doesn't mean that we don't have free will and that we don't do as we should.
All we have to do is be still and listen.
Life is so much a miracle and a blessing.
I'm in awe of the Mathematics and the Quantum Mechanics of our possibility of being within this universe.
All we truly have to do is trust and obey for there is no other way!

© Life is amazing, if you let it be!