

A love tale—II
Destiny decided for them
They were unknown to it—It was a Gem
As the river that flows down the hill,
Is never able to be a moment still,
The rocks and pebbles at it's edge,
Lie as steady as the dead.

He asked her to stop for a while
"Can we talk while walking a few mile"
His ask; fascinated by his charm—she couldn't refuse
Their walk began, they express their views
Began their chat by asking their names
Lily and John walked in love, beside river Thames

They found consolation
Solace, serene peace, a thrilled elation
He finally said "I LOVE YOU;
"With full virtue and my love it's true"
Astir and numb—She refute
"I can't... I can't..."within her heart—an endless dispute

He asked her the reason
She denied to answer with strong precision
"I'll love you always, my lily, beleive me"
"Mr. John, I can't.... please set me free"
He said no word with eyes full of tears
In the darkness of dusk, lily gradually disappears

He stood there for a while, distraught
"Was she real, or a fantasy?" he thought
Left bewildered he went back
The love tale remained incomplete leaving lover's life out of track
Their love was true and pure as nature
Their parting was destined ‘ poor two fragile creature’

Lily knew her fate, hence she denied
Defeated by her heart...she cried, cried and cried
She couldn't love anyone—oh! her cancer, her curse
She only could have denied or make the things worse
Days, months and years passed to this event
John decided to wait....Lily died in dissent
© incomplete