

Dear teenage me..
Dear teenage me,
Keep in mind that you have already hit your puberty and now you are on the verge to be in an adult dream.
Now it's the time to be practical not emotional in thinking who would be your future life partner.
Now it's the time when you will face the drastic changes, your sexual, hormonal behavior is gonna change of what you never dreamt.
It's the time when you need to face the worst, the best, you need to take some decision which are totally messed,
but don't worry remember it's not just you there are many out there.
Now it's the time when you will be anxious like hell, you won't understand how your life is wanting to set.
This is the time when you would be influenced by one or many,
may it be best or worst is the future story.
This is phase for your life changing,
you would be left with two choices either of addicting or of opposing.
Your addiction can be anything may it be good or bad,
it may be getting captured in alcohol bag,
or it may be starting your day with cigarette smog,
it may be wasting your time in love and war,
it may be jurisdicting your own desire,
it may be setting out with your school's peon,
or it may be unboxing your sweetheart,
or it may be illegally getting involved in pubs and bars.
It may be being on internet day and night.
It can be anything.
It can be giving your best in your exam hall,
or it may be spending your quality time in your hobbie's part time job,
or it may be helping your mom in household work,
it can be blooming your garden's attire,
or it can be happily investing your family time.
Whatsoever would be the reason,
you should keep in mind that it's not just you there are lakhs,
you need to understand that time won't come back,
you need to realize that what should be your priority at every instant,
you need to make yourself strong coz there would be havoc mood swings but no one would be as your helping hand.
It's time to do or die,
make sure you utilize it in a better way,
make your memories your best friend,
don't make so that it would be regretful in your life ahead.
It's life changing moment make sure you are wise enough to deal with this game.
All the very best!!!👍👍👍🥺🤗
© Sanskruti Jiwankar