

A different World
I wish for a world where my smiles are real and my heart loves freely but does it even exist?
I hoped it did but then the cruel reality surfaced,
My every wish on the birthday candle got doused,by a stroke of reality,

It brought back to a world where every night my tears can't stop falling,
Where every day I hope it's the last,
Where I crave someone to embrace me with my tainted past,
In here I want to die yet I want to live,

Life kept giving me strands of hope to hold on to,
Only to cut them off and let me fall deeper into that abyss,
I want to live yet every single breath makes me choke,

My soul is covered with scars of battles fought with myself,
But those are just marks of my cowardice,
Shattered pieces of me trying to be whole again,
But it only just brings more pain,
I guess people are like glass,
Once broken, can never be the same,
No matter what the cracks remain,

Yet all I can do is embrace myself, broken or not,
Run for the future , leave behind the past,
After all isn't it beauty of pain which makes you want happiness again.

© Saste Writers

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