

My Big Brother
© loopen#allseven I was probably ten years old number 7out of eleven six boys five girls, yup my mom was busy!
Let me run them down to you
1. Lorenzo aka Lencho
2. Jaun aka Sonny
3. Pedro aka Pete
4. Rosa
5. Jesus aka Chucho
6. Frances aka Pancha
7. Lupe aka Mouse (me)
8. Bernice aka Tombie
9. Linda aka Lyn
10. Randy
11. Julio aka Cesar
That's all of us the family that I love dearly..
My oldest brother Lencho at the age of eighteen already graduated high school was riding around with a few buddies in his Chevy one night and was hit by a drunk driver two of his friends were killed and my brother the driver was thrown into a field, officers were told that only two people were in the car it wasn't but two days later that there was a missing persons report of a young adult last seen in a Chevy had been reported missing that they realized that the accident two days prior was the vehicle in the accident.
The night my brother had gone out with his friends my mom was constantly reminding him (Lencho) that not to be out too late cause he had to be at work early the following morning, that morning when my mom went to get him up for work she realized he didn't come home that night. Everyone was out looking for him my mom on the phone calling his friends, girlfriend and family members but nothing no one had seen or heard from him I could see the worry and stress on my moms face. It was on the second day that a police officer was at our door asking to speak to a parent as my mom approached the door looking exhausted didn't even let the officer speak she knew he was there in regards to my brother she collapsed onto the floor sobbing uncontrollably asking God why, why he didn't keep her son safe why did he put a drunk driver on the same street as my brother.
The officer gently knelt down close to my mom and said they hadn't found him that he wasn't in the car it was the car registration that they knew where to find him oh my God my mom was even more upset, she said what are you saying the officer said the two other gentleman IDs did not match the registration they did not know where my brother was.
We all piled up in the car and went down to the crash site and yelled his name everyone spread out combing the area then a scream came out of my sister she had found my brother barely breathing unable to speak blood everywhere, his legs were mangled his arm twisted behind his head and his chest caved in on one side he was unrecognizable.
My brothers rushed to grab him pulled him out of the ditch he was thrown in it was the most horrible night of my life the crying and the sad faces it was nothing I would want to relive ever.
Lencho was rushed by helicopter to the nearest hospital there he stayed in a coma with tubes air breathing machine and around the clock care he had a treak coming out if neck how he ever survived his accident I do not know slowly he regained consciousness and had to learn to speak and walk again, we took turns walking him and feeding him he didn't have use of his right arm and his legs didn't move like they should he limped and his speech was hard to understand.
Three, fours years passed and he remained the same he walked on his own but would fall from time to time.
I had a field trip at school and I needed a dollar to cover my lunch, that morning my mom was at work and I had no one to ask for a dollar Lencho was making his way out of his bed when I peeked my head in and said good morning he grunted I didn't have the nerve to ask for money so I left a note on the bathroom sink explaining my need for a dollar I continued my way to school embarrassed that I didn't have my lunch money just staying quiet. As we were getting on the school bus the kids noticed a man walking towards the school one boy said look everyone it's a drunk guy look he can't even walk straight smirking and making fun of this guy I looked up to see who they were laughing at and it was my brother Lencho he managed to make his way to my school to bring me a dollar for my field trip.
I remember my eyes watering these kids laughed at my brother who was not drunk who had physical impairments, Lencho spotted me on the bus and with his rough voice said mouse I'm glad I caught you in time here babe and he stretched his arm out and handed me a dollar.
I could not of been prouder I watched him turn around and head back home as difficult as it was for him he managed to bring ma a dollar I will never forget that day, I didn't hear a peep out of anyone on the bus no one said a word no one laughed just quietness.
My big brother lived only a few years after that his life was cut short but the impact of his time here with me would last me a life time.
I think back and it puts a smile on my face I love you brother always.