

Not all men are same
Not all are dogs, not all are despoiler,
Not all stalk you, not all are attacker....

They too get cheated, their life gets ruined too,
They can't even shed tears, as a tough can't be a softy too....

Not all are creeps, some are gentlemen too,
When they show courtesy, this society doubts them too....

He bought a smile on your face, when you are in the lowest of your life,
He helped you in achieving dreams you strived....

He was there even in the middle of the night,
He stood by you even in your toughest fight....

He teases you like a brother,
He looks after you like a father....

He plays with you like a best friend,
He supports you like a husband....

One might have hurt, but many knowingly or unknowingly did good to you,
They too need love and care and those reassuring hugs too....
© divi