

Sequential Synchronisation
Grabbing deep underneath...
those huge muscular arms..
...Lip-locked.. lies she...
In impossible utterance..

Roaming slender fingers...
passionately curling..
Round his neck...
running down his spines...

While... those masculine...
Gasping palms... masked...
and cupped in...
Handfulness... her...
Her... every mass of feminity
Pouncing everywhere

No combatant --Colossuses...
Under the wakes...
....of the Jaguar-moon...

A Herculean form...
..Eroded beyond those...
..Crimson-castled Anatomy...
Raising beyond gravity...

So generously suckling...
...those rosy reddened..
..honey buds... hastily

Alluring deep into...
...the navel..
O Fabulous!!!....
they quenchingly hissed...
Dispersing everlasting...
..fragrance of ancient wine.

Resilient reverberant..
Aphonically... she chuckles...
Sequentially synchronising..
pulses, beats and pelvic vibes

So tremendously strong...
...and harmoniously rupturing...
The fierce dragon...
ridding beyond her innocent shores

In deep submergence...
..and profound covalence...
Towards infinitude...
displaying symptotic illustrations

Tassels ...flung beyond...
Pronounced chronicles...
Of simultaneously solved riddles...
Abstemiously guiding...
into a trail...infinitely deep

Exchanging perspicaciousness...
....the 2 different souls... Echoed
...Beyond..their multifoliated...
Threads of inheritance ...

So sweet...crossing horizons
.... Illuminatingly Unified...
In scintillating droplets of...
...perspiring enlightenment

Miraculously encapsulated...
...into an "Invincible Morsel"...
...as a function of time.

© SanghamitraDevi