

it's taste like love 👄
All these while did I listen?
he'll break you, he won't reciprocate your love; my instincts screamed
but I don't listen.

I watched as he laughs with those delicious lips of his
my thoughts were running wild. minds about to erupt like a volcano
he was talking...to me but I was lost at how deep his voice sounded
I watched as he lips moved and I wondered if he could make room for another tongue in his mouth.

I want his love;
his psycho;
I want his everything as long as it's free
though nothing comes without a price.
but for his love the price means nothing.

filled with uncertainties
I took the bold step
a quest to find love and I found it
lost in his arms. his scent filled my nostril
so magnificent, so royal
oh save me dear Lord
for I have fallen blindly
and foolishly in love

His eyes captures my soul
his voice sooths my troubled mind
the beautiful melody I have ever heard
save me sweet lord for this love might consume me. but I rather be damned in his love than not have it all
Maybe I am a fool; but only fools love

© Ethel Chidubem