

Title- "The paragon staircase with virtue."
In the realm of choices, we often find ourselves at crossroads,
Where the path to follow is shrouded in mist and clouds.
To lead or to follow, the decision is never easy,
For the journey ahead is fully fraught with doubt and clouds.

But in life's grand tapestry, a choice we must make,
To follow or lead, a path we must take,
A stairway of dreams, a ladder to the sky,
We must climb high, before we can fly.

First we must step up, with faith in our hearts,
And test our limits, with every step and part,
The stairs may be steep, the climb may be hard,
But with each rung, our strength will be bard.

We must step up, climb the stairs to soar,
To reach the heights of our dreams and aspirations,
To test our balance, like a golden eagle in flight,
And learn to fall, to rise again with grace and poise.

We must first fall down, to rise again anew,
To learn from our mistakes, and see them through,
For in the depths of our fears, we'll find our courage true,
And in our tears, our spirit will renew.

For in this act of falling, we will find our strength,
And in the art of rising, we discover our worth.
So embrace the challenge, and take the leap of faith,
For in the dance of life, we find our true self and our place.

As In staircases of life, we tread with care,
Each step we take, a choice to dare,
To climb towards the heights of right,
And leave the shadows of night.

The stairs of life, they twist and turn,
With each step, a new lesson we learn,
To face the giants that we find,
And conquer all, with grace divine.

The path of truth, it winds and bends,
But with each step, our souls ascend,
To the promised land, we journey on,
With the Lord, our wall of strength and song

Oh dear courage, practicality and patience so fine,
Just walk beside me, hand held in hand, & be my mentor divine,
With every step in life's journey, may wisdom be my guide,
And may my heart be filled with courage, side by side.

Like a dry leaf, blown by the wind,
I'll follow your direction, and be free,
For you are my moral compass, my flights lead pilot sitting beside,
And together, we'll soar & find our destiny.

In life's journey, may I find my way,
With practicality's steady hand, I'll seize the day,
And when the winds of doubt begin to blow,
May patience's gentle breeze help me to know.

Just walk beside me, hand held in hand and be my friend,
Be that dry leaf flying to the winds' direction, till the end,
May our bond be strong, through trials and strife,
And may our friendship be a guiding light in life.

As in staircases of life, we oft find our way,
To heights of virtue, where we face the day,
With every step, our character is tried,
And tested by the paths we choose to tread.

The staircase of rectitude, it beckons us,
To climb and seek the truth, with hearts that fuss,
For in its halls of justice, we find our strength,
And rise above the petty, mundane length.

But giants block our path, with obstacles great,
And trials that would seek to make us hesitate,
But we must not falter, we must not fail,
For every promised land has its own gale.

We must be walls of fire, strong and true,
Standing firm, against the forces anew,
For only then, we'll find our promised land,
And stand upon its heights, with hearts unbound.

In life, we often find ourselves at the base,
Of a staircase, unsure of our fate,
Do we climb up, or do we descend?
Do we follow, or do we take the lead?

But before we choose, we must comprehend,
The balance that life demands of us,
Both climbing and descending, we must embrace,
For only then can we find our true bliss.

The paragon of life is not the peak,
But the balance that we must seek,
To climb and descend with grace and poise,
And find our place in the world's noise.

So let us climb, with courage in our hearts,
And follow the path that leads us to our parts,
For in the staircase of life, we'll find our way,
To the promised land, where we'll stand and stay.

With courage, practicality and patience by our side,
We'll face each challenge, with a heart full of pride.
Together we'll navigate life's twists and turns,
And may our friendship forever burn.

So keep on climbing, and not look back,
For the giants may be fierce and black,
But with faith,courage & forbearance, we'll find our way,
And reach the top, come what may.

Thus let us walk together, hand in hand,
And face life's challenges, with courage and grace,
For with practicality, patience, and love,
We'll find our way, and reach our place.

And let us step up the stairs with care,
And embrace the journey, wherever we are,
For life is not about the destination,
But the balance that we must maintain.

And let us climb, with hope in our eyes,
And reach for the stars, with hearts full of surprise,
For in the journey up, we'll find our way,
And in the falling down, we'll find our day.

So don't walk behind me, I may not lead,
For I may also stumble, and lose my way,
But with your help, I'll find my speed,
And reach my destination, come what may.

© Aneemkp