

Darkside of a women’s life
Trauma, anxiety, depression
after it all happened with her
and you think she’s lying
is that all you could bid her?

No matter she’s in Burkha
or Jeans or a Saree
this still happens with her
because of being a nari(woman)

She should be cared for
she is the form of a Goddess
just because you don’t know her value
does not mean it is less

“Women get raped because
of their own mistakes”
which ‘wise’ man said this
stop now,for heaven sake!

The problem is your mind
your feeling of lust
which is going to break
every bond of trust

No one deserves to be
tortured in this way
which makes them lose all hope
just for your ‘better day’

Justice for Dr. Moumita🙏🏻

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