

The Purge
To rid the world of hate.
To cleanse the world of the cruelty of fate.
Inconspicuous is my name
And the purge is my aim.
The vicissitudes of life are many,
And no one can be without any.
Our struggles and fears are simply more,
Much more than what can leave the core.
But then what bothers me most
Is the game from the predecessor's host.
The vileness that sickens
Is the fact that it seems normal.
I would've followed the rules,
But then I opened my eyes to the truth.
For I know of the world before,
The beautiful world before.
The world with only positive vibes
Where no one ever cried;
The world to whom I call out with so much drive.
So I begin my own game
To change what once came;
Using the influence of fame
To save the missing dame;
Reverting the minds of the masses,
To put them back on those buses drifting towards a similar age;
For at stake is the wisdom of the sage.
© inconspicuous_