

The Eyes in the Mirror
Mirrors are not us,
But only what the world sees,
So if we live life without a mirror,
We can be who we want to be,

And finally,
The world will see,
THIS is who we're ment to be,
Not that reflection staring back,
Because I'm meant to be ME,
And that thing staring back,
That's not me, and it'll never be.

So now you see,
The mirror isn't broken,
It just never told the truth.
They only say it's a reflection,
Because it's who they want to be,
They want to be that person,
Staring through the glass.

Mirrors aren't perfect,
They're backwards, that's the point.
They don't reflect who you are,
But who the world THINKS you are,

So now you see,
Mirrors aren't broken,
But they lie, unapologetically.

So next time you see a mirror,
Stare into it's eyes,
Because the rest of it's not you,
But your eyes, they stay the same,

No matter what your name,
Your eyes will stay the same,
Your eyes will show you as you are,
Not who the world wished you were.

© The Aeth Aero