

If you Can't Achieve Someone Then Doesn't Mean that Memory Were Also Gone Away Even You Survive On That.
The journey was not easy,
It was a wonder of Life or Death,
That's why Universe Trouble in Something sorrow as it having no reason to falls in sorrow,
Because Universe having Any type of sorrow was their in life but they still falls in a others happy illusion,
A huge universe who solve the mistery of cage of universe filled with tears of what fallen in eyes of nature because no one having True Silence of universe in search of love from bladder of universe.
If a Person goes died,
Then No need feel Alone,
They're always being with us.
If you can't achieve something,
That was doesn't matter,
Who lives in a pitch illustration of Springtime,
Never forget When Spring was old,
Then Nothing fallen accept olden Spring for the Travelling tourist of lust of fire got always lighting the lamp in rust of Greed of feminizem.
U Can't Achieve Someone Then,
What illusion of world Says,
That what a Rust of superior authority was not in our hands.
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