


Rishi Sunak in peace I come,
Talk to Charles III on my behalf,
London I want to explore even half,
Birthplace of Shakespeare I mean no harm.

I have no Visa but a visit I must,
For the land of gold who dares not step?
Benchmarking for my country yours I pick,
For mine must be as rich as you.

History learnt all lingers in mind,
Reality so wild I now crave,
To my country my blood will bid,
Flying to the Big Ben clock my dream.

What passed my ear in school,
British monarchy will help in digesting,
The Buckingham Palace I'll step,
Double decker buses in movies I'll see,
World class museums alot I will learn.

I will use the red phone booths,
To call mine who are in Kenya,
I'll boast of the gigantic lush parks,
Those from home their visit they will crave.

I will work in the Bank of England,
Enjoying all the egg-laying entities,
The way English rolls out of my mouth,
Swears with my stay it will roll better.

© June Mwangangi (Zari)