

The days too eventually fell silent,
No sounds, not even by the crows,
All you could hear was the sound of,
Fear knocking on the doors,
fear was written at the windows,
fear was written at the seats,
fear was everywhere,
the usual greetings that had been choreographed
by our great ancestors were now becoming a
weapon of destruction,
a family member would go out for a snack and come back as a strager to be fumigated at the doorstep,
the thought of making it a live made it impossible to think of after seeing our neighbors in body bags with no last respect but rather the foretold prophecy of the dead burying themselves hath come to pass,
our young brothers and sisters being the vulnerable as of exposure to a world they did no wrong to but being punished for our actions,
but hope at last
but prayer at last
is all what kept us in a lockdown where fear of death due to hunger was more petrifying than the virus itself,
so we keep indoors for a beleif that tomorrow the cases will reduce and eventually cease and we will hold our loved ones once more and narrate to the future generations of how we curbed a disease with no medication but rather staying indoors, when greetings were a weapon and maybe we will be the choreographers of a new method of greeting,
to hope that we will not be the victims but the victors...................