

A woman's beauty.
Where does a woman's beauty lie?
for me it's not in the color of her hair or it's length.

it's not in the color of her skin or her race.

it's neither in the shape of her eyes nor their color.

it's not in the shape of her nose nor its size.

it's not in the color , shape or size of lips.

it's not in the size of her breasts.

it's not in the size of her belly

it's not in the size of her curves

it's not in the size of her butt.

her beauty doesn't lie in the shape of her toes , feet ,fingers or nails.

a woman's beauty lies in her smile.
it comes from within .
the way she treats others is where her beauty lies .
in the way she cares for her family , friends and close ones.
it lies on how she reacts to someone else's pain.
her beauty lies in her heart in the way she loves .
the way she expresses her emotions.

of what use is a physically perfect woman with a dark heart?
cause from the heart come our deepest thought, intention and love .
a pure heart is more valuable than a perfect body.

© Vanessa kasonde