

Dear Students
Dear students,
You must be feeling burden
about your halfyearly exam,
you must be praying to god
for your luck....

You must be having phobia
thinking about exam
Or must be feeling lazy
to study...

You must be feeling sleepy
while turning the pages,
You must be loitering around
thinking 'Let's see, whats in my destiny'.

But let me tell you today that,
this is the time to prove yourself
whatever you have learned till today.
Tomorrow never comes, you have to do it today itself.

Don't let yourself waste 'Today',
Your tomorrow will never arrive.
Prepare well today and perform best,
Cause you are the best version of yourself.

You are so pure that you can do anything,
If you try from your heart.
This half yearly exam is nothing,
Your life's exam is yet to come....

So better learn to prepare from today itself
by giving the best of yourself.....