

There Are No Words
Cursed be our Latin roots,
for our language is stricken with a deep poverty
There exists no words to describe what I feel for you
Boxing what I experience with you into 4 simple letters will never do you true justice
It pains me that my passion-stricken and teary-eyed confessions to you will never be able to convey all of my soul,
my poetry never able to open all of my mind to you
I will try nonetheless,
fighting a frustrating futility so that I may tell you everything I so deeply admire about every inch of you
There are no words,
yet I long for their presence like a fire’s warmth just out of reach,
for you deserve to feel as I do every time I’m entrapped into your gaze
Every time I see that gorgeous smile that I can honestly say trumps even the most vivid portraits nature provides
For you humble even the greatest of Appalachian sunrises I’ve bared witness to
I wish my words could make you feel just an ounce of the ecstasy my soul flows in when I hear that beautiful voice of yours,
an ounce of the sheer happiness and comfort your laughter gives me
You’ll never truly realize what your gentle touch does to me,
washing me of all my fears and anxieties as I melt into your embrace
I can never get close enough
I lust for your soul, not just your body
I want to spend the rest of my life trying to one day make our spirits touch,
united into one
I want to spend the rest of my life gazing upon your eyes, your smile, hearing your voice, your laugh, your poetry, your feelings, your thoughts, your passions, your desires, everything that makes you so beautifully and uniquely you
I want that for eternity
And though there may be no words to describe that,
I will forever try