

Bygone Dreams ...
There used to be a time,
where I dreamt
of becoming a biologist,
an entomologist,
with a specialty in ants.
I became a chemical tech.

There was a time
where I used to fantasize
of being a superhero and biochemist.
I just started writing
about being in love
and experience the first taste
of poetry and rhyme.

There was a time
when I dreamt
of being a process engineer.
I became a process technician.

Then there was a time
when I wanted to climb higher up the ladder,
but then
my life took a deep fall,
which became
my greatest turning point,
because I found my way back 
to the Creator
and finally accepted,
that He is the One
directing each step
through learning and falling
to get me on the track
of my calling.

Now I only long
to walk the path of my called purpose,
through the strength of His Spirit,
which I have received
when I accepted the Son,
only to again become
Our Father's son,
to be a light in this world
and thereby fulfilling His commandment,
to bring honor and glory
to our Father
seated in the Heavenly.

5 Feb 2022

#Proverbs16verse9 #Proverbs3verse5to6 #Acts1verse8 #testimony #God #theFather #HolySpirit #theSon #Jesus

A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.
Proverbs 16:9 NKJV

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV

Image credits to the rightful owner