

Desire and fate
war, yes war it easy to start like the elders says it difficulty to end, love , yes love easy to start but never get me a home
falling in the heart like morning dew like a misty morning breeze .
I felt Paradise when I lay on her arm remembered all her desire too big too dream of
her heart is soo pure just like a little gentle dove. But all in a sudden her heart turned like a novice eagle in the sky. And the southern wind telling her to leaves.
Soo sad she follows her head instead her of heart .
She has a big dream that can never be achieve with a just man soo she said to clarify her deed. Now my heart is getting cold perhaps it'll take my soul.
I pray she find her way long as she's happy she'll remember there's nothing like love from a just man.
I put on my jacket and walk down the lonely road , my shadow fades over the earth then she gat a feelings that I lose the battle.