

Deep 🌊 ocean within...
As waves of happiness and sorrow do flow
we brighten ourselves with inner glow.
If you water it with ego, you'll get that blow
you will be swallowed by that devil before you even know
A constant battle between good and bad is always on,
who can emerge the winner is never known
at times it is bad over good when we welcome the devil.
When we invite negative thoughts that make us evil...
I find an infinite ocean, 🌊 within ,
each one of us,do realize it, but it cannot be seen,
waves arise from it to decide our fate
people who have mastered to sail over it,
have become great.
Not only from within but also outside
they fear nothing because they have mastered the inside.
They are the true masters of the ocean 🌊 within...🌿

#lifetakestwistsandturns .