

Echoes of Palestine: A Tale of Resilience
In a land oppressed, where tears become the sea,
people turn away, but the pain remains, you see.
As history's canvas paints a tale so somber and dark,
Innocent lives entwined, like a tragic work of art.

From the British Mandate to Nakba's mournful cry,
Palestine's history is etched with sorrow, reaching the sky.
In the shadow of olive trees, whispers of stories untold. Generations of pain and struggle, stories of courage unfold.

The diaspora echoes, from refugee camps afar,
A people dispossessed, by conflict's brutal scar.
From the Deir Yassin massacre to the Six-Day War's despair,
In the rubble of ancient cities, the weight of sorrow to bear.

In each stone's lament, and each crumbling wall,
lies the memory of a people who've endured it all.
2.5 million in Gaza, their hearts heavy with strife,
Prisoners of birth, condemned to an unending life.

In the midst of ruins, where dreams once thrived,
The cries of children, a lament for lives deprived.
Gaza's streets bear witness, where pain and courage meet,
A history of heartaches, a story so bittersweet.

For in this chronicle of woe, where the past and present blend,
The spirit of Palestine, undying, won't bend.
From the ancient sands to the modern-day's gloom,
A tale of resilience, in the darkest of doom.

© Plasmagrapes