

Trinity of Dreams
In the tapestry of life we weave,
A trinity of dreams to achieve.
Love, the thread that binds our hearts,
A masterpiece of endless arts.

In the garden of our days, we sow,
Seeds of passion, watch them grow.
With a touch so tender and divine,
Love's blossoms in our hearts entwine.

Career, the path we boldly tread,
Where aspirations are daily fed.
With each step we climb and strive,
In the pursuit of dreams, we thrive.

Life's symphony, a harmonious blend,
Love and career, hand in hand they mend.
In the heart's embrace and work's embrace,
We find the purpose and our place.

So, let us nurture each facet dear,
Love, career, and life's frontier.
With passion, grace, and hearts aglow,
In this trinity, our stories flow.