

African Politics
Look around you and see what it takes _ Most politicians are blinded by what they can make
They treat the nation like a party cake, sadly they can not even afford the coal we use to bake

Wait small and see them place other nations over their own _At least if they could separate the year between July and June _ Make their people happy that they can dance to a sweet tune

Russia's Putin has set the best example _ And I see it as hope for my people, The reality has been made plain and simple. If you respect yourself others will respect you. Otherwise, they will get what they don't expect

This is globally accepted
But among a group of greedy people, it can not be adapted. Where honesty is considered stupidity and integrity is labeled criminality _ You want to be a Holy Mary?

Lies got everyone scary
They will lie to you and soon you will be buried _ Be acting good, foolish Jerry, even in a relationship they assume you are Larry

So many are the notorious ones _ Undercover as the generous ones. From the results, we can tell _ Stealing and corruption remain the spell

I am a Proud African _ I wrote my language at the age of nine but development left my country behind because we have been divided by religion, tribe, and education.

Paganism governs this world
After all, that is why there are numerous religions practiced by different nations and regions. So they lie to you when they told you that your tradition was demonic

It's demonic but explain _ This has been the line of true deception. They learn from you but push you into a realm of confusion. Your entire life has been a vision of lies and deception

Very few nations _ revisited the calculation and place their nativity over the resolution _ Sometimes refusing food can make a fool think you can cook too

But our hungry group of learned men _ Act as a pimp who only lives to depend on and repent, they publicly pretend that they are so competent

When will we ever learn
Money is not what we need to earn _ It is our will to agree and disagree that what we need to have in our hands. But a brainwashed society appreciates a free food party. That does not address our needs as reality

Open your eyes, see, read, and learn. You should be man enough to determine what get in your eating pan
But you are unable to make decisions for your future so others decide your worth and measure

I live my thoughts so I am mindful of my lecture. You put your children in others' care _ While you are out here making our nation unbearable like hell. African Politicians !!!

Africa will yell at you
The ground will swallow you
Because the truth has been exposed to you _ If you can't change expect something strange to happen to you. The Universe has spoken and all the slavery chains have been broken.

We have to move
We have to groove
We have to improve
Blame your own
Because others looking for their own _ So I point to African Politics

© Jarry B Blie