

weak woman

A weak woman is a sight to see,
Her sense of self lost in misery.
She bends and breaks at a man's will,
Allowing him to control her still.

She's a degrading specimen of woman,
Her worth diminished by submission.
She lacks the strength to stand tall,
Fearing the consequences if she should fall.

Her voice is quiet, her spirit meek,
She lets her oppressor continue to speak.
Her dreams and desires pushed aside,
In the shadows of his ego she hides.

But let us not judge or criticize,
For the path to strength is not in disguise.
A weak woman can find her power within,
And rise above the manipulation and sin.

With courage and resilience, she can break free,
And reclaim her worth and dignity.
No longer a victim, but a warrior strong,
Her spirit soaring where it once belonged.

So let us uplift and support her fight,
For a weak woman can find her light.
And in her journey, let us all learn,
That true strength comes from within, not from the burn.

© cynfully