


In the vast expanse of night,
Stars✨️ whisper secrets in their light.🌟
Galaxies in a cosmic dance,
Twirl and spin in endless trance.

Nebulae of colors bright,🌟
Paint the canvas of the night.
Mysteries in the void's embrace,
Speak of time and endless space.

Planets in their orbits glide,
Hidden worlds where dreams reside.
Moons that glow with borrowed gleam,
Guard the realms where shadows dream.

Black holes, where the darkness dwells,
Guard the secrets no one tells.
Cosmic waves in silence roar,
Echoes from the universe's core.

Beyond the reach of human sight,
Lies the source of purest light.
An enigmatic universe,
A timeless, boundless, cosmic verse.✨️🫶🌟💞
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