

speak your truth
This year is where we uncover our greatest truth and in contrast we are met with our greatest distraction and the distraction being this man made covid-19. However all of this can come to an end when human beings can recognize the true authoritarian power within them self and also being able to step into the love vibration which surpasses all types of disease almost like a a leap of faith and knowing that God has everything in his hands. and if there is people that do have covid-19 God knows that. And maybe it was their time. We as beings cannot be paralyzed by casualties because death is inevitable we have to come to terms with death just so that we are not in denial in all of this because once again death is something we cannot run from. so during this covid-19 which is nothing but a setup. Smothering our true Humanity to be slaves to the controlled system. We have to be willing enough to be ourselves no matter what, no matter what the news says , no matter what is going on around you. be yourself! cuz all of this is stemming from Humanity false self. Us trying to fix something that is out of our control and now we are met with the backfire but you don't have to stay in the path of destruction you can always turn to the new path, the true path and that is love.

thank you🦋