

I'm stuck

I'm stuck on my thinking,
Thinking that which takes me to my future,
Holding the existing career of my present,
I'm afraid of where should I be in my future?

Am I going to be a successful woman?
What if? If I'm not?
I'm afraid....

I'm afraid to start a new life with someone,
I'm afraid to change my routine for someone,
I'm afraid to live a life in someone's condition,
I'm afraid to be in someone's house.
And if I overcome all these fear,
Then again,
I'm afraid...

I'm afraid of the questions which I arise to myself,
Is my child could get better living conditions?
Is my child could get better life as compared to their friends?
Is my child will be happy with my performance?
Is my child be happy with me?
Is my child is never going to compare them with others?
What if? I couldn't fill the wishes of my child.
What if? If my child complain to me " if you could not give a proper lifestyle to me then why did you decide to have me?"
I'm stuck in my life,
By questioning myself.
© suza