

A circle of water reflecting the very essence of your existence through the decorated transparent vase on the gravel beneath your feet. Your walk past the pool of reflection

Which proved itself to have value. To be rich with beauty. As smooth as glass glittering. It's very innocence imbedded in it the eye's whiteness blinded by a vision of a pool of nothing

Reflecting the contortion of your facial expressions that proves itself to be ignorant. The puddle evaporates bathing your emotions in thin air condensing falling down fiercer

Dangerous, destructive rock lurking beneath suspended in the puddle it's sharp edges with the rough exterior proving permanence it's solidarity it's teeth'

Bit pierced the once smooth natural structure. Marks of pain left visible on a pool of danger of pain slashing its fangs as the birds come swooping in for the sip of

Their lives only to be attacked with your wasteful garbage. Garbage that no need to be tossed around like a stone with its uneven surfaces belonging nowhere.

© Haul Guma