

Cause of games..

Everyone plays games,
Someone avoid games.
You know why??

Coz, Indoor games,
And outdoor are efficient,
Gives energy and strength,
And valuable of time.

It help for sufficient brain function,
And to reduce fats,
Also, Increment of health..

Play outdoor and Indoor games.....

Where, online games,
Are waste of time,
Which gives eye pain,
And headache..

Playing online games,
Are waste of network,
And waste of money,
All around, it affect our brain.

When, brain was damaged,
Every body parts will be damage,
When body parts was damaged,
Your life will be damage,
When your life wad damaged,
Nothing is there in your hands of pain....

Circumvent or avoid the games!!
Circumvent or avoid the games!!
Circumvent or avoid the games!!


© Priyadharshan Soundar Rajan

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