

New Revolution!♥️🌸
As our taste buds crave and seek delicious sensation,
We prefer fried chicken, coke n chips, a deadly combination,
Unmindful licks, one after another through
day and night,
Calorie rich ice creams with chemical based colours, what a sweet delight,

Pizzas with extra cheese, undoubtedly,
all-time favorite treat,
Artificially sweetened drinks, quite
common in the street,
But you know, the actual cost, our health
does pay,
Chubby, diabetic, googly woogly obese, in a world of disarray,
High triglycerides and high blood pressure too,
High Cholesterol levels, even doctors can't undo,

Untimely deaths and loss of precious lives, ever-increasing number,
Tummy is not a dumping yard, folks please
do remember,

So it's high time to wake up from deadly slumber,
Think work out, get fit and work hard from January till December,

Eat raw salads and veggies in abundance but sugar and salt in moderation,
Let us all live a healthier life and make it a new revolution!
— Vijay Kumar
© Truly Chambyal