

Deep thinking...
Deep thinking is something that makes me strong....
makes me focus on one thing, a one situation for a long...
deep thinking doesn't let me sleep overnight, it burdens my head, to get the work done without a break!

Something is incomplete, some words go missing...
as we stop deep thinking about that particular subject or thing.
it is something that washes away curiosities and querries of days.

Deep thinking, makes us perfect...
it takes time, but gives us quick sucess.
a person who thinks deeply is self-reliant.
he doesn't have to wait, or start searching for books that could provide him ideas.

deep thinking pushes our brain to do a little hardwork...
it drives our laziness away...
if we think deeply about any subject, it will be something of our own, the beautiful theme from our mind will surprise thousands!
O what a wonderful creation! people would say.


#happywritting :-)

© Pacheco veenita