

Two Sides of the Same Coin

I walk with my left foot,
He steps with his right,
Our feet move in rhythm,
As we dance into the night.

Our breaths intermingle,
Creating a symphony of life,
As we move in perfect harmony,
With empathy as our guide.

We're like the moon and sun,
Two sides of the same coin,
Different but connected,
By the light that we join.

Our dance is a moment,
A fleeting escape from reality,
For beyond our shared rhythm,
Lie walls built on hostility.

We come from different worlds,
But similarities abound,
Like two trees rooted deeply,
In the same patch of ground.

Yet our paths are divided,
By the scars of history,
Apartheid walls too high to climb,
A painful legacy.

With each step we take,
Our reality returns,
Reminding us of the wounds we share,
The bridges we've yet to burn.

But in the rhythm we create,
And the melody we share,
Lies a hope that's bittersweet,
In a world marred by despair.

So let us keep on dancing,
In this sad symphony of life,
For though our bond may never heal,
Our hope will continue to survive.

© Plasmagrapes