

mistake:life ends early
#sachinjugujaiprasad #writcostorychallenge #new #mistake #trending #shortstory #1
Time:06/04/2018 9:13 PM
Title:the mistake:the life end early
Content:Their was one boy who was so naughty.His name was kulug.One day his mother plan to go his elder brother house.So he left his house with his mother.He was from kolapur and was going to hilogradh.After visiting his brother house he ate delishes sweet!anddinner.Next day it was 11o'clock he went out to view the beauti of the place.He enjoyed so during that moment.He returned his brother house.no one!was at home.Than he remembered that his elder brother was planing to go his sister house.Suddenly he saw a monkey hanging on window of his house at second floor.He started teasing that monkey and do such action which made the monkey angry.It was time of monkey now. Monkey showed his anger on the boy and called other monkey.Due to this all action the boy afraid he closed all the gate and window.Monkey were searching the way to enter in the house.The boy started searching mobile.After getting mobile he called the emergency servics.When the emergency service came their the monkey attacked on them,nine mans were badly injured and two mans died.Now this matter becames serious.Police were also involed.But monkey not stopped and attacked on police as well.Boy was hearing this from inside.At last he decided to sacrifice his life. He wanted to stop the war between monkeys and mans.He blamed himself that this war cause due his mistake.So with tear in his eyes.He opened door.All were shouting to him to go back and close the door. But the last word from his mouth was "i am sorry its my mistake"and sacrified his life.After the boy died all monkeys went to their way.
"All creature are like you,nature and behevior are same only shape,size,language,thinking,working style are diffrent."-sachinjugujaiprasad(author)
"Don't tease someone because all give importance to self respect!"-sachinjugujaiprasad
@Writco @VickySalunkhe @realquote_rq
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