

Give me that back!
Give that back, it belongs to me, its my possession-my property, ive no reciept, but its plain to see-that it resembles nothing about you, but everything about me!
You dont know what to do with it, or even what it means, means to me just everything, to you its just 'a thing'.
How you came to have it, I dont even know, must of been careless, mislaid it perhaps, but its mine and I require it now, so give it me back.
You dont even respect it, what you have in your hand, nor how to cherish it, you simply have no use for these 'type of things'.
And you never did inspect it, to look in every light, shone a light brighter on it, nor stood back to see its might, see it in all its glory or for what it really was.
Failed to see its true dimensions, nor even look inside, to find a more delicate object, obscured by molten steel, appearance-outwardly destructable-inside was the real reveal.
So I ask you very nicely, one very last time- just give it back, hand it over, leave my property intact, relinquish what is mine.
© PrimateScribe