

The 4 seasons and you
You remind me of the four seasons
that I am most familiar with,
Starting with spring, then summer,
Then fall, winter like a scythe.

Spring comes knocking at my door,
with petals of different hues,
Amidst the fresh new lives that sprang anew
Was your desire to start one too.

Summer comes, warm like the sun
You shine so heavenly bright,
Sweet like ice cream, melting in my tongue,
Like soft sweet kisses of the night.

Fall comes displaying red and orange hues
Like the sunsets you love to watch,
but slowly the leaves start withering away
Like feelings, when we're out of touch.

And winter comes, as cold as snow
You form a barrier of ice
The heart that once knew how to love,
Now knows how to despise.

And I wouldn't blame you...
© J. Phillipi