

Words of Loss
All to often are the stories of the mind completely perverted, messages left by the ancient past to aid man in his quest for knowledge have all been twisted and completely re-worded.
Removing any chance humanity might have had in reconnecting with the lessons from the past, he is now left to wander the earth learning life's lessons through trial and error a fate pre decided by the evil and greed that resides in each and every one of us,
however unlike true evil these cowards hide behind a mask.
Never knowing just who you can trust most of man's good intentions are completely fueled by selfish lust and even though they will do as they must, it is up to each and every child who is born into sin to bare the hardships from the time their life begins, never knowing why they run the gauntlet only feeling that they must.
With each and every soul made to embark on this holy quest not knowing if they will ever stand a chance, as the book that was left to guide them has been truly lost and completely rewritten to protray a God who was made in man's image.
The bond between The holy child of redemption and man looks as if it died along with history as we know it, made to think he hung on the cross for all of mankind and yet with no proof to hold onto they continue to rely only on our trust.
It is the choices we make each and every day that define true evolution and if the powers to be are not very careful man will become awakened to all their wicked deeds and provoke a much needed revolution.