

God, why?
In the realm of trials and despair,
We ponder, does God truly care?
For He's granted us all we require,
But the challenges we face turn dire.

Why do we blame Him for our plight,
When He's bestowed abundant light?
We hold the power within our hands,
To shape our destiny's shifting sands.

Does God orchestrate each twist and turn,
As our problems and hardships churn?
Or have we, with our own choices made,
Unleashed the chaos in which we wade?

He's given us gifts beyond measure,
Love, compassion, and endless treasure.
Yet we misuse them in selfish ways,
Creating turmoil that forever stays.

So let's not seek answers in blame,
Or view our problems as Heaven's game.
For God, with compassion and love untold,
Offers guidance to shape our story's mold.

In unity, let's mend what's been torn,
And remember the lessons we've sworn.
For it's we, and not God, who hold the key,
To solve the problems that hinder our glee.

Poem by Ruth Oyerinde
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