

Love to get wet

I love to get wet in the rain,
I love when the tiny droplets sprinkle on my face.
I want to dance in the bubbles that it form in the mud.
I love to shed tears looking at sky with my lips smiling ,
as this shower hides,
that i still miss u intensely...

They think I love getting wet
Yup I do.
I love when it starts raining cats and dogs..
I can't restrict my self under the roof.
It was you..
I feel your presence in each drop ,
As if they are dancing with me.

It was you dad, who made me feel,
The first shower of rain,
decades before..
I still love to get wet
My eyes with tears
And heart screaming with pain of ur departure...
" Why were you driving that cold rainy day....."
Yeah I love the rain
I love getting wet
