

Endless war and loss
Light the lamps for the king returns,
Victorious and valiant,
In an eternal battle with,
A ten headed enemy...
The enemy shot arrows at the determined King,
Whilst the king used knowledge.
The two fought for hours and hours,
until the king emerged victorious.
The carriage gleamed like the sun,
it's path lit by diyas and lanterns.
The kingdom rejoiced,
celebrations all night long.
Children laughed, playing all day,
And slept in the shimmering night.
The queen was known for her intelligence,
beauty,and power.
Her crown lay shimmering on the floor,
while she lay in a pool of blood.
The enemy's follower slipped out the window,
stealing the queen's horse,
Riding away in the glimmering night.
And so goes on the endless war,
With both sides losing people.
Then at long last,
the king passed away.

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