

Unnoticed Notes
Your notes,
Are the only things I have,
The words are like melodies that float(s),
But the letters sometimes misbehave.
When I wanted to love you more,
All I could do was writing it out,
Because you were not available,
For me to express that out loud.
When I felt hurt by your actions,
You would just shut me off,
I had just the blankness of the paper,
Staring at me with the same scoff.
When I felt like sharing my thoughts,
And maybe crying a little over your shoulder,
I got only the message of the update of your day,
Lacking all the sensitivity which maybe made you feel kind of bolder.
My words had always been the only medium,
Between my heart and you,
And now that you are gone,
My undelivered notes are the only memories I have of you.

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