

Daily cup of tea
Tick tock goes the clock,
Tick tock, it's time to take stock..
Sip & swirl sip & swirl,
Let Ur past be swirl wid it,
Remember not to make it long,
As past is the place not to live but to visit ,
To let urself introspect u ,
In every merry or lousy situation;
That how u were a daring version
In many lousy & wicked situation;
& How u played a major part in being U
when u were stuck in the vicious circle of hard times,
But never wear sleeves on heart
as people will squeeze u to the last lieu,
Now Just for one day let Ur mind feel free,
From all the responsibilities & tribulations.
Let the day be made for you.
Hats off to u as u have won the biggest war that's nonetheless is wid you.
As u'd spend sometime in aloneness ,
And dare u introspect yourself,
Because to peep inside u must have inner site.