

The Asylum
Whispers of the soul.....
PART - 1
Creepy creepy, housed in exile
Land of illusions,lead to the abandoned lane.
Insanity screamed & echoed, yet concealed
Hidden in the darkness....
Beyond those great walls of steel.

Hallways flooding with nudity,
scratching in wildness-pulling hairs,
deplorably fluxed around rocking chairs.

Brutality, unending nightmares
trembling steps, each life shares.
In most horrendous conditions ---
lies those rotting flesh.....
....drugged into corners in the rush.

Tortured, tethered and tapered
...along with crawling maggots,
and bleeding veins...
Those swollen eyes,opens wounds- stains.
Scattering faeces, urinating everywhere...
pity cries, .... Lost is everyone here.

Some mercilessly flogged,
with long strap- tipped metals -----
starved, trotted up and down
like crazy cattles....
praying for death, breath silenced within ----
with remorseless insertions... & the hasty pin.

Senile tortures the inmates suffer,
which the megalomaniacal surgeons offer.
With ringing heads and buzzing ears,
Stinking skin & flickering eyes----they fear.
Electroshocked... at the edges,they hover
with traumatized sighs -------
and panicked cries.

Tragedy overshadows -------
as they are crouched in cages;
clad in rage...like a poor stag.
swollen face-- bleeding out......
grabbed by hair
pushed into the floors as they shout.

Tightly fastened, they are torturously- positioned,
stopping circulation....
they groan--- gasping for oxygen.


Some were stripped - off clothes
strangled, deep under...warm waters saline ----
head sunken ---- the tragedy overshadowed.

Few chained stamped and abused
while being horribly rebuked - kicking,
sexually assaulted --------
trapped, raped and castrated...
nurses, violently over-doused them in insulin.

Barbaric methods employing - in ,
ripping muscle - ribs,
inserting... Lung-expanding balloons within..
they carried out, gruesome work on arrogant skin

Enchained and naked a lunatic runs,
in the never-ending solitary confinement.
serving no purpose--- accidentally poisoned.
Aimlessly wandering, vacantly starring...
scribbling halls, digging walls;
tearing lesions--- moodiness is exhibited.

In teenage defiance.......
with transorbital- frontal lobotomy;
they flaunted in the halls...

Some lacrimating,......
Madly milking, masturbating....
surfaced around like a crazy feeder
while some were locked out in courtyards
under inclement weather.

Sick insane - licking underskin...
The schizophrenic crawled .....
with inexplicable sensation.

Mysterious voices, spectral figures
dark corners of the asylum features.
While the psychopath surgeon ,
plunged out testicles and ovaries...
A maniac twists ones jugular,
pouring burning alcohol -- sways irregular.

Stuffing the birth - canal;
scratching tracts of colon....
in the decrepit spooky tunnel,
along the nauseating corridors....
Leeching wriggles the evil- chosen.
Bizzare ----- the pioneer of sin,
weird in the devil's reign.
© SanghamitraDevi