

How many other people feel some B.S. is about to happen! In all my life 911 services has never went out never gotten any alerts that it went down or would go down. We have Russian ships in Cuba of all places. Russian president meeting with North Korea president. Our government all of a sudden admitting " Aliens" are real. Trumps "convicted" but out free , giving him time to plan another up rising if he's not elected. I feel like they feel the unity of the people coming together. Melanated people are starting to wake up , civilians are starting to understand that a system was created for us to work for them , to control the masses , work , rent , bills , taxes , food , medication. It's all a way to control us. Think about it. If America is a settled land. Meaning that those people found land , claimed it and then built on that land. Grew their own food , bought and exchanged goods and services. Then who's idea was it that all of a sudden people should pay the government for the land or the right to be on said land. Who's idea was it to say We should have company's and this is how much the labor or working for that company is worth. A whole system was created by a group of families for everyone else to do the labor and pay them to exist and we went along with it without question. But now we're all starting to see that it was only to benefit a certain group and now that group is threatened that the people will revolt. God help us I can feel it in the air ! Is it just me , leave a comment if you feel the same !
© ockindev213